Thursday 17 January 2013

BULLieve Introduction

BULLieve introduction

BULLieve was set up on the Bradford bulls banter group on Facebook in late 2012. It was an idea of mine to write a weekly update for people instead of scrolling through different posts and going from site to site to see the week’s news. Why BULLieve I hear you ask? Well the name came about after the trials and tribulations of the club which nearly ended up being liquidated so the name was fitting.

After I wrote my first BULLieve the response was awesome (not to blow my own trumpet) and it has gone from strength to strength. All factual content is from the club itself but, I also add my own views and comments. After contacting the club via Stuart Duffy and the players themselves I managed to do player interviews and to date I have done 3 namely James Donaldson, Heath L’Estrange and Manase Manuokafoa. I am in the process of adding more players to this list and also this season will have short match reports. Adding to this, I am adding “Around the ground” this involves supporters groups and general supporters. BULLieve is published every Monday night at 8pm.

BULLieve now has its own twitter account and can be followed by searching for @BULLieve2013 and anyone interested in being part of BULLieve can now send an email to

I hope to hear from you soon with comments, suggestions and follows.


Cheers BULLievers,

Jay Leeming.